Saturday, August 31, 2019


During Rumspringa, Amish youth go out on their own into the outside world. (Many for their first time ever. ) After Rumspringa, the majority return home to live with their families and be baptized and continue in the Amish life without artying and partaking of the English lifestyle. The individual decides when their Rumspringa ends when they agree to be baptized into the church and take up responsibilities of an adult in the Amish community. -Amish are similar to most mainstream Americans by: they are of â€Å"white† European stock, and they come from families that have been in America for more than one generation. –Amish differ from the majority by: they practice an intense Christian religiosity and they deliberately try to live separately from the larger society and refusing to adopt the practices and roducts of our mainstream society. Adolescence is a Journey from childhood to adulthood; Amish youth experience the temptations and Joys and ills differently because it comes in a very concentrated form during Rumspringa. -Mennonites do not have Rumspringa. Rumspringa is practiced mostly in the larger Amish communities like Holmes, LaGrange, and Lancaster. -More than 70% of male Amish adults do not farm. -In Northern Indiana only about half of the Amish youth attend parties. -Today there is about 200,000 Amish individuals. And about half of them are under the age of ighteen.The Amish make up only 1% of the population in America but they are growing rapidly because of the high Amish birthrate. The average family has seven children. -Every five weeks, a new Amish settlement is established in the United motto: â€Å"to be in the world but not of the world. † -Mennonites are named after their earlier leader; Menno Simmons. -Once Amish are baptized and enter back into the Amish culture and way of life after Rumspringa, it is very difficult for them to leave again because of such harsh consequences. â€Å"Demut† : a central tenant of the Am ish to cultivate humility) -â€Å"Hochmut† : wrongful, arrogant pride -Important biblical phrase to the Amish: 2 Corinthians 6:14 â€Å"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. † (This is where the Amish get their reasoning to be so separate from the world. ) -â€Å"Ordnung† : Unwritten list of rules. -Many Amish parents confiscate their children's earnings from their Jobs and promise that when the youth get married they will give them large gifts of land, or money. – The ordnung must be followed by the members of the Amish community.The Amish hope that these rules will help lead members to achieving their social goals. Each church district has its own ordnung, and there are more than 1,400 Old Order Amish church districts. The ordnung is ratified and agreed to twice yearly by the members in the congregation of the church. The rules have evolved over the years to govern things from garments, appearance and facial hair to forbidden technologies and careers. -Between 1907 and 1910 there was a large argument in the church over the use of cell phones and it resulted in a splitting off from the Old Order of â€Å"liberals† who wanted to use phones and cars. Anyone who could not live without phones or ars could not be in the Old Order. ) -1930's: Some areas began to allow phones in stores, but the phones were forbidden elsewhere. -Amish believe that the Holy Spirit tells a young person when it is time for them to be baptized. -Amish childhood have been structured to block out sensations of mainstream culture. -Many say that if the children are forced too soon to choose between a mainstream â€Å"English† life or the Amish lifestyle they are more likely to permanently turn away from being Amish so it is better to Just allow the children to have Rumspringa until they are ready to decide.Amish believe in being submissive and that it is seen as Christ-like. -â€Å"Brauchers† Amish healers who manipulate people s bodies like chiropractors. -Ordnugs three meanings: 1. To arrange or draw up a rule of degree to induce equality. 2. It creates a vision of contentment. 3. God's example of the universe. -Mental problems in the Amish community are equally divided between men and women. -In June of 1998, Amish communities became very aware of drug problems. Dimensions of Culture: Different areas, religions, beliefs, ect. shape how we function as a society.We are products of our language and what happens around us. – Material/Nonmaterial Culture: the physical/nonphysical artifacts that reflect the lives of members in a particular society. -Mennonites are an example of a subculture because they go along with the majority of the Amish beliefs but do not participate in Rumspringa and have a few other variations as well. – Amish culture as a whole is a perfect example of a counterculture (actively opposes values of the dominant culture and rejects the dominant cultures way of life. -Mores are generally used more by the seriously.The Amish believe in Sexual Dichotomy: belief hat two biological sex categories, male and female, are permanent, universal, exhaustive, and mutually exclusive. -Culture provides society with common interests/bonds. Because a culture lives together, they share a certain amount of knowledge that is the same. -Norms: Rule all social encounters. -There will be more clashes and arguments in a culture the more ethnic it is because the cultures vary so much with different beliefs and traditions and languages and cultures. -Amish take small norm violations very seriously compared to mainstream.

Innovations in Financial Products Have Contributed to the Current Financial Crisis” a Discusses This Statement

â€Å"Innovations in financial products have contributed to the current financial crisis† A  discusses this statement. Introduction What is Financial Crisis? A financial crisis is when the value of a financial institutions or assets declines suddenly, where investors sell off assets or withdraw their money due to the fear that the value of the assets would drop. E. g. Of a financial crisis are: * Banking Panics * Stock market crashes * Bursting of financial bubbles * Currency crisis. (http://provimet. weebly. com/uploads/2/4/3/4/2434228/global_financial_crisis. df) What is Financial Innovations? Financial innovations are ongoing development of financial instruments designed to achieve a specific objectives, such as offsetting a risk exposure (i. e. default of a borrower) or to assist with obtaining financing. Financial innovation can either be product or process. Process are developments demonstrated by new means of distributing securities, processing transactions or pricing transactions, while product innovations embodied by new derivative contracts, new corporate securities or new form of pooled investment products.Examples that relate to the crisis include the adjustable rate mortgage . i. e. the packing of subprime mortgages into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) or Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO) for sale to investors, a type of securitization and a form of credit insurance called Credit Default Swaps (CDS), Collateralized Mortgage Obligation (CMO) The use of these products extended radically in the years prime to the crisis. These products differ in complexity and the simplicity with which they can be valued on the books of financial institutions. http://www3. weforum. org/docs/WEF_FS_RethinkingFinancialInnovation_Report_2012. pdf)(http://www. scribd. com/doc/47101947/Financial-Crisis-of-2007-2010). The purpose of this assignment is to discuss how the innovations in the financial products contributed to the current financial crisis. In this paper I also examine what these financial innovations are and how they contribute to the current financial crisis. Some of these financial innovations I will look at are CDO’s, CDS, and MBS. Financial Innovation and the Financial CrisisThese are many factors played a part in the financial crisis and financial innovation was one of the factors but it did not only cause the financial crisis but to some degree it did contribute to the crisis due to it misuse and lack of information and the under pricing of the risk involve in some of the financial product. Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO) Collateralized debt obligations are asset backed security that is package together in a different range of debt obligations or bank loans package into a financial security that is divided up into various tranches, each level having a different maturity and risk.The greater the risk, the more the CDO pays. The type of CDO tranches include; Equity, Junior, Mezzanine, and Senior tranche. The equity tranche been the riskiest level and while senior tranche is the safest of the CDO. The development of CDOs resulted in more liquidity in the economy. They permit banks to sell their debt, and freed up more capital to invest or loan. Due to the additional liquidity this eventual lead to an asset bubbles in the housing market and credits crisis. So how did the CDO play a role in the financial crisis?During the early part of the crisis CDO assets started to decrease in value due to the rise in subprime mortgage default. CDO products began to underperform, the opacity of the products with view to the character and quality of the assets that underlined their value; leading to the discouragement in the investors and also led to panic in market about exposed institutions and CDO underwriters. As a result, CDO had lets banks and other financial institutions to increase their leveraged bet on the housing market, increasing returns in the short run escalating the damage once suspicions were raised.Investors did not know the value of the CDOs they were investing into due to the complexity of the product. Synthetic CDO increase profits on the benefit as the housing boomed however, as doubts occurs; they were use as instrument investor’s utilize to creates a short position on the disadvantage of the housing market. CDOs where use to put money in the mortgage market therefore persuading investors into thinking they were investing in a safe instruments that were establish on low quality assets. The value of CDOs helped in creating the damage of the financial crisis.MBS create a void among the originator of mortgage risk and the ultimate holder of that risk, this void was considerably broad by CDOs. On the other hand Synthetic CDOs broke the link completely and permit investors to make an unrestricted number of bets on a key risk they did not understand. The complexity of the CDO and synthetic CDO structures was a problem. The cloudiness of the products made it hard to estimate the value thereby discouraged investors from fully understanding the risk that come with CDO investments. (Class Note by Joe Naughton), (http://www3. eforum. org/docs/WEF_FS_RethinkingFinancialInnovation_Report_2012. pdf) . Credit Default Swaps (CDS) A Credit Default Swaps is a credit derivative and a form of insurance policy on a bond or a loan. The protection buyer buys protection and makes regular payments just like an insurance premium, while the protection seller sells protection and takes the premium but agree to pay off the protection buyer in the event of a default . i. e. the CDS purchaser pays a fee in order to transfer the risk of a default to the CDS seller.A CDS contract can last for a number of years and obliges that the seller of the protection offer collateral to make sure that the buyer will be paid if the seller where to default. CDS offers numerous advantages to individual participants that use them to hedge risk during the financial crisis and fo llowing economic downturn. Credit default swaps play a significant role in the financial crisis by contributing to the CDO market and its difficulties. CDS permit CDO mangers to make hybrid and synthetic CDOs at a huge pace.CDS allows hedge funds to perform complex hedging and linkage that enable the purchase of junior and equity tranche. The CDS market lets investors and institutions to transfer risk, from the CDO market and elsewhere, to CDS issuers that were not in a position to assume the risk. One of the role CDS played in the financial crisis was that it was able to transfer credit risk through CDS which make it hard to estimate the riskiness of a specific intermediaries. One of the issues also was that bank were able to buys and sells CDS that was not show in their balance sheet.This lack of disclosure makes it much more problematic for a bank counterparties to tell how risky it is. The lack of transparency in the CDS market made the financial system exposed to a shock that t hreatens trust in counterparties. CDS sellers became more exposed to a collapse by several sellers; this is due to the fact that a great number of CDS were trade over the counter (OTC), instead of in an exchange. And in an OTC market it is impossible for a seller to know what several buyers are doing with others.An example is AIG was a victim of the CDS market because the firm misinterpret the risks of the CDS market and sold an excessive amount of credit protection through CDSs deprived not having an enough capital in a loss reserve. (Class Note by Joe Naughton) (http://www3. weforum. org/docs/WEF_FS_RethinkingFinancialInnovation_Report_2012. pdf) (http://www. mhhe. com/economics/cecchetti/Cecchetti2_Ch09_CDS. pdf) Mortgage Backed Security (MBS) Mortgage Backed Security is an asset backed security or a debt obligation by a mortgage or collection of mortgages loans.They are bundle together into pools and sold as a single security. This is known as securitization. .i. e. banks lend m oney to an individual to buy a house in return the bank will collects monthly payment on the loan. The loan is then sold to a bigger bank that packages the loan together into a mortgage backed security. The bank then issues shares of this security, called tranches to investors who buy then and ultimately collect the dividends in the form of a monthly mortgage payment. These tranches can be further repackaged as other securities, called collateralized debt obligations (CDO) and then sold.Mortgage backed security played a major role in the financial crisis of 2008, due to the increasing demand for MBS from investors eventually played a part in the financial market meltdown. The demand for MBS increased on mortgages of all risk, including subprime, which lead lenders to move towards the â€Å"Originate to distribute† business model, with the explicit intention of securitizing and selling the mortgages after completing them. The MBS tranches rating by the rating agencies led to b elieve that risks were understood and the investment were safe.If the MBS had not been given investment grade ratings then the degree of the financial crisis would have been significantly less. The criterion on the MBS was relax making it easy to participate, therefore the market began endorsing different types of mortgages with a more risky kind that amplified the risk of a default to MBS investors. The MBS market was not regulated which also allowed financial institutions other bank to participate in the mortgage business. Mortgage backed security have weakness that was not accurately controlled in the run up to the crisis.Originate to distribute model spark off a behavioural changes in the market, from consumers to investment banks, that were not expected but that could have been monitored and managed by the industry and its regulators. (http://www3. weforum. org/docs/WEF_FS_RethinkingFinancialInnovation_Report_2012. pdf) (http://money. howstuffworks. com/mortgage-backed-security . htm) Financial innovation can not be held solely accountable for the financial crisis but it did contribute a great deal to the crisis and to the extent of the damage.The risk associated with financial innovation was not properly calculated, inturn in more credit default to occur. Financial innovation has benefits to the economy but due to the current financial crisis financial innovation has receive a lot of negative view as a result of the misused and badly managed of the products and also due to the fact that they were insufficiently thought out and the misapplication of the innovations that might have a positive impact on the economy. But collateralized debt obligations and credit default swaps have done a lot of damage than good.Bibliography Bruno G, 2012. Rethinking Financial Innovation (online). Available from: http://www3. weforum. org/docs/WEF_FS_RethinkingFinancialInnovation_Report_2012. pdf . (20 November 2012). (Online) Available from: http://www. mhhe. com/economics/c ecchetti/Cecchetti2_Ch09_CDS. pdf. (20 November 2012). (Online) Available from: http://www. scribd. com/doc/47101947/Financial-Crisis-of-2007-2010 (12 November 2012) (Online) Available from: http://provimet. weebly. com/uploads/2/4/3/4/2434228/global_financial_crisis. pdf (12 November 2012).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Re-Branding Sunsilk Back Into the UK Hair Market Essay

Originally launched in the Netherlands in 1956, Sunsilk provides haircare solutions in 80 countries around the globe. No matter the hair type or problem, we have the products and the know how to make your hair feel and look beautiful. Our passion in life is to help women celebrate looking beautiful everyday, anywhere. Bad hair days are history Take on life with confidence and consign bad hair days to the bin with Sunsilk. Our range of products incorporates various natural ingredients and extracts with their own specific properties; chamomile for cleansing without limpness, ginseng extract for strength and more for any and all requirements. Get great advice and tips on hair care from us too. Key facts * Number 1 in Asia, Latin America and the Middle East * Sales of more than â‚ ¬1 billion a year * Sells in 80 countries * Also sold as Elidor, Hazeline, Seda and Sedal * Recent awards: Holds the Guinness world record for the most heads of hair washed and styled in one day Sunsilk is a hair care brand, primarily aimed at women, produced by the Unilever group, which is now considered the world’s leading company in hair conditioning and the second largest in shampoo[1]. Sunsilk is Unilever’s leading hair care brand, and ranks as one of the Anglo-Dutch conglomerate’s â€Å"billion dollar brands†. Sunsilk shampoos, conditioners and other hair care products are sold in 69 countries worldwide. Sunsilk is sold under a variety of different names in markets around the world including Elidor, Seda and Sedal. The brand is strongest in Asia, Latin America and the Middle East and is the number one hair care brand in India, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Thailand. * 1954 – Sunsilk first launched in the UK.  * 1955 – First advertisement of Sunsilk appeared on TV. * 1964 – Launch of Sunsilk hair spray. * 1968 – Sunsilk shampoo re-packaged in PVC bottles. * 1971 – Launch of Sunsilk conditioner. * 1975 – Sunsilk became the biggest name in hair care. * 2003 – Sunsilk glossy magazine launched in Argentina. * 2008 – Social networking site Gang of Girls was introduced in India. First advertising Sunsilk began advertising in 1955 with a campaign that focused on specific hair â€Å"issues†. In the UK, the campaign focused on shiny hair. During the 1960s, a television commercial of Sunsilk featured a tune composed by John Barry, â€Å"The girl with the sun in her hair†, which proved so popular that it was subsequently released as a pop single. Sunsilk radio commercials were aired in 1969 featuring Derek Nimmo to support the new Sunsilk Herb shampoo for problem hair called â€Å"Hairy Tales†. In the early 1970s, Sunsilk was advertised with the slogan â€Å"All you need is Sunsilk†. Celebrity associations Madonna, Shakira, Marilyn Monroe, and Marian Rivera all featured in Sunsilk’s 2008 advertising campaign â€Å"Life Can’t Wait†[3] which launched with a Super Bowl XLII spot. The philosophy behind the campaign was about girls taking positive steps to gain better control of their lives â€Å"Hair On = Life On†. Actress and former Miss World Priyanka Chopra is the brand ambassador for Sunsilk in India. [4] In 2009, singer Delta Goodrem was announced as the â€Å"face of Sunsilk† in Australia. The singer and her music have since featured in several Sunsilk adverts.[5] In 2007, British girlband Girls Aloud launched a campaign for Sunsilk after securing a sponsorship deal worth over  £1,000,000.[6] Members Nicola Roberts, Nadine Coyle, Cheryl Cole, Kimberly Walsh and Sarah Harding all represented the brand, which included shooting a television commercial. Sunsilk also sponsored their following tour. Magazine In 2003, Sunsilk (Sedal) launched the first hair only glossy magazine in Argentina aiming to communicate to the professional hair industry. More than 800,000 copies are published each month. The magazine focuses on hair, fashion and beauty issues as well as showcasing hairdressers’ work. It is sold locally on news stands and distributed to hair salons. Gang of Girls In 2008, Sunsilk India launched a social networking site called Gang of Girls [7], which offered its users access to a variety of local and global experts to address various hair care needs through its content, blogs and live chat room. The site includes rich content of hair care and fashion, and users can also take part in interactive games and quizzes.In 2011, Sunsilk was listed in The Brand Trust Report published by Trust Research Advisory. Co-Creation collaboration From 2009 Sunsilk started working with a number of professional hair â€Å"experts† to develop new and improved products. Each hair â€Å"issue† variant links to an â€Å"expert† with the relevant specialist hair knowledge. For example, Dr Francesca Fusco, a New York dermatologist, co-created a â€Å"hairfall† variant for the brand. The line up also includes: Jamal Hammadi for Black Shine, Rita Hazan for Vibrant Colour, Teddy Charles for Plumped Up Volume, Thomas Taw for Damage Reconstruction, Ouidad for Defined Curls and Yuko Yamashita – inventor of Japanese hair straightening process ‘YUKO’ – for Perfect Straight. Availability Sunsilk is available in over 60 countries worldwide. However Sunsilk products seem to be no longer available in the United States. The Sunsilk website has a list of countries where their products are sold, the USA is not one of them.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Public shipping - marine pollution and aspects of marine environment Essay

Public shipping - marine pollution and aspects of marine environment cases - Essay Example It is observed that disputes that arise in territorial waters have seen the port states exercise their special rights on territorial waters and claim to do so for the safety and security in their national interests. Marine environment and pollution is a concern for those holding rights over the territorial waters as well as on high seas, particularly in territorial waters due to its utilization for various activities like fishing, sea-bed activities, etc. The subject of Marine environment and pollution encompasses marine environmental activities and related principles, jurisdiction of port states over ships moving in the territorial region, and other sea-bed activities by the port state. In the particular cases of Corfu Channel and Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries conflict, marine pollution and environmental issues have been raised in the political, economic and historical contexts. It also seen that the port states have a rather diligent advantage over the claimant states in both the cases wherein in Corfu Channel case, the court put the responsibility of proof on the British government which is the claimant (Kazazi, 1995, p 86), while in the case of Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries case, the courts ruled that Norwegian government has the right to exercise its sovereignty on its territorial waters keeping in view the geo-socio custom of the Norwegians in depending on sea waters for fishing as an occupation by a majority (Wise, 1984, p 70). The Corfu Channel case- In 1946, two United Kingdom's ships have been damaged with loss of life of over 40 naval staff in the ships in the territorial waters of Albania. It is alleged by the United Kingdom that Albania has violated International law and had planted or was aware of the presence of mines in its territorial waters which caused loss of life and damage to two of its ships Soumarage and Volage when they struck mines lying under the sea. Earlier in 1944 and 1945 when the British seamen along with a team of international bodies swept the territorial waters of Albania, they had acted according to the law and had promptly informed and taken safety measures to keep the ships away during the minesweeping operations. However, on 15th May 1946 and again on 22nd October 1946, the British ships were shot at by the Norwegian authorities as a defensive attack alleging that the British ships were violating their orders and regulations in the international law to inform the port of their entry. In the second attack, in October, two of the ships that were sent by the British government after informing the Norwegian government of mine sweeping operations with the permission of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), were attacked and they stuck mines that lay under the sea resulting in loss of life and damage to the ships. The British government claimed that the Albanian government deliberately laid mines in the sea to disrupt the innocent passage rights of other nations. Also, since it had sent the two ships for mine sweeping operations, it alleged that Albania had violated the regulations in International law. It cites the articles 3 and 4 of the 8th convention of Hague of 1997 noting that Albania had violated the International law and failed to inform the other nations of the impending dangers due to the mines present in the territoria

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Analysis of LinkedIn Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of LinkedIn - Research Paper Example Current ratio- The firm’s current ratio is increasing and getting stronger as the year progresses. A ratio of above one indicates the firm can settle its short-term obligation within a financial year and still conduct its operation effectively. This is proven by the networking capital across the year which increases across the year. In the year 2012, the ratio was 2.45 it rose to 4.7 in the year 2014. Return on Assets- The value of assets owned by LinkedIn Corporation is increasing across the financial years that have been analyzed above. However, the return on this asset is decreasing. This simply means that the assets the firm have invested on are not been utilized to the maximum or the resources are in surplus. In the year 2014, the return was in the negative figure because the firm had incurred losses. The revenue generated across the three years was increasing as well as the costs for revenue generation. However, the rate at which the cost of revenue was increasing was hi gher than that of revenue being generated. This has to be taken into account because if this continues LinkedIn profits will be â€Å"eaten-up†. Equity ratio- This ratio indicates a firm dependence on debt to run its operations. From the above analysis, the equity ratio for LinkedIn is good because over 60% of the firm’s asset was financed by its shareholders. However, in the year 2014, the equity ratio dropped to 61.3% from 78.4 % in 2013. According to (Samuels, and Wilkes, 72), it indicates the firm had increased its borrowing.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Health care provider and faith diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health care provider and faith diversity - Essay Example This means that the caregivers are given the liberty on how to deal with the patient as long as the procedure is aimed at treating the patient. Medicine and prayer should form part of the treatment package for Baha’i followers. Christians believe that in as much as caregivers offer vital services, it is God who heals the sick. Christianity favors medicine and medical practice, faith and prayer during patient care. The paper will discuss the various beliefs in relation to healthcare from various spiritual perspectives. The practice of healthcare at all levels allows nurses to meet and attend to patients from various religious backgrounds and some of them could be holding to beliefs that are different from those held by the nurse. The development of good rapport with the patients is critical for nurses as it allows them to secure maximum cooperation with them. This therefore requires that a nurse should be able to accept diversity of faith expressions among their patients. In this paper, I make analyses of the philosophy/spiritual perspective of care in three faiths namely Buddhism, Sikhism and Baha’i and compare them with the Christian perspective and my personal perspective. The Buddhist approach to healing and health is in regard to its emphasis on spiritual practice, and patient care for Buddhist patients follows the same philosophy. Meditation, belief and spiritual practice are three critical healing components in Buddhism. One of the beliefs is that spiritual practice enables the individual to realize the opportunity for practice in times of adversity like sickness and how to use this opportunity to attain personal transformation and transcendence. This practice replaces the feelings of being a victim with feelings of being a victor. Buddhists also belief that a sick person cannot change their past but can control the future by acting with clarity and skill (Bhikshu, 2006). This requires

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Gattaca and Brave New World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Gattaca and Brave New World - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that both the movie Gattaca and book â€Å"The Brave New World† have a character who share similarity and at some points expressing different opinions. The main characters in these artworks are similar in the sense that they are portrayed as strong characters that readily rebel against their own societies. After the encounter with DNA in a black market, Vincent decides to change his identity to a famous astronaut making everyone view him as an â€Å"invalid†. This character accomplished this transformation only after realizing that he has more strength than his brother is, particularly after defeating him in their swimming game. John and Bernand also rebel against their society form reading and thinking people. The writing by John Stuart Mill that â€Å"it is better being a human being who is dissatisfied than a pig who is satisfied† may be qualitatively analyzed to satisfy the status of humanity to t hat of a pig or better describe the dissatisfying nature of humans. The book The Brave New World and movie Gattaca artistically create fictional places that satisfy the needs and the desire of humanity; nonetheless, with prices to pay. These stories reveal the achievement in the field of science, especially in biology and genetics. However, the social progress within their storylines presents the sense of individualism, discrimination, and the loss of personal freedom, particularly among those who are not biological elites. Both stories are dealing with the potential imperfections of utopia; therefore, they are entirely referred to dystopias. Moreover, they as well real the optimistic visions by which societies are striving to achieve, but they never tend to achieve the same desires or goals.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Philosophy - Essay Example Aristotle asserts that all human endeavor is directed towards the achievement of the â€Å"chief good† (Aristotle, 32). This good, towards which mans’ knowledge and activity is directed, is difficult to define precisely, as it has different connotations for different people. However, based on the criteria of the chief good being â€Å"that which is always desirable in itself and never for the sake of something else† (35), we reach the conclusion that it is only happiness which is â€Å"final and self-sufficient† (35) and is therefore the ultimate objective of man. Aristotle concedes that happiness requires external instruments, such as good birth and prosperity. Man’s function is to perform any activity to the best extent possible and in accordance with virtue. Aristotle defines happiness as â€Å"an activity of the soul in accordance with perfect virtue† (37). Virtue has both moral and intellectual components - the former, such as temperance , is a result of good habits, while the latter, such as wisdom, can be learned. Virtue is the perfect intermediate or mean, which avoids both excess and deficiency. Aristotle equates good with truth: â€Å"The good state is truth in agreement with right desire† (44). Choice is inherent in the practice of virtue. Aristotle affirms that the most self-sufficient and superior kind of life, which will lead to â€Å"the complete happiness of man† (44) and enable man to reach for the divine, is the life devoted to the philosophical contemplation of the truth based on reason. Unlike most other philosophies, which lay down rigid rules (Hobbes), or advocate highly idealistic, intellectual tenets (Kant), Aristotle’s moral principle, which identifies the pursuit of happiness as mans’ objective in life and links this objective to virtue and activity, is particularly pertinent to everyday life.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Argument paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Argument paper - Essay Example With the increased cases of crime in society, people have lived in so much fear as they fear any impending attacks and bombings, which lead to many people dying. Through the increase in the number of criminals, imprisonment is not only enough to deter the criminals and that is the reason why the judiciary enforced the death penalty and enacted it as a way of eliminating permanently the criminals and reducing their numbers. Many of those who get out of prison after long years of imprisonment often commit other bigger crimes and hence, it would be better if they were killed, because they end up killing even more people. Therefore there is need to protect the innocent and wipe away the perpetrators of crimes to humanity. The best way is through the death penalty, as other forms of imprisonment are not deterrent enough. In addition, death penalty will enable people to be more careful and appreciate the right to life for every citizen. Additionally, the sanctity of life will be maintained , as they will strive to preserve their own lives and avoid capital punishment. Therefore, it is a punishment for those who take away the lives of others, since the same measure needs to be taken against them, and i.e. they are to be killed too (Mandery and Mandery, 2011). Furthermore, various huge taxes are used to finance prisons and feed murderers in prisons, which are not fair at all since the money needs to be channelled to improve the lives of the poor who are at the mercy of the criminals. In carrying out life imprisonment, the society has to bear high costs with regard to maintaining prisoners with long imprisonment terms for crimes that prompt capital punishment. There is no doubt that the up-front costs of death sentence are relatively low, however, the alternative fronts significant maintenance costs over time (Guernsey, 2009). The financial and economic costs of maintaining a prisoner serving life are astronomical to the tune of $50000 a year, which is more than

Friday, August 23, 2019

Occupational Therapy Practice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Occupational Therapy Practice - Assignment Example Another example is a kindergarten child shows evidence of bibliophobia. An occupational therapist help rehabilitate the condition by presenting books that appeal to his/her personal senses, for instance, tapping the emotional likings. If the child loves cars or flowers, the occupational therapist can give the child books with attractive picture illustrations and short descriptions. The goal is to enable the child to appreciate writings and develop a liking for reading. There are different ways therapists can encourage the use of the just right challenge for example in helping clients who have the behaviour of smoking. They can be introduced into other leisure activities that they enjoy most as a means of rehabilitation hence occupational therapists are to encourage them to adapt to the new environment as they swithch from their smoking behaviour. Therapist can use just right challenge in children to help them learn through play activities these help children develop their physical co ordination, social skills enabling them socialize with other children. It also helps them develop emotionally and improve their self-confidence. For this reason therapists recommend leisure and play activities that give the just right challenge for children when learning and having fun. They also provide activities that help children learn how to solve problems. Besides behaviour change and improvement of children skills, therapist also helps clients with mental problems by recommending leisure activities.